The Non-Motorized Transportation Advisory Board is sponsoring a trail work day this Saturday, July 16 from 8:30 am to 12:00 noon to continue clearing trail corridor (a section of the West Side Loop) along the Baker Street right-of-way. This section is an important link in completing the west side corridor trail. A map is attached with the trail corridor to be developed marked in orange. The easiest way to find this spot is to follow Hastings to Howard (turn left - south on Howard), then turn right (west) on 20th Street for a couple of blocks. Park at the top of the hill on 20th and walk north on the Barker Street r-o-w to the trail site.
This trail is being developed in steep wooded terrain and requires switchbacks. Bring shovels, rakes, maddox or pulaski picks, clippers, loppers, machettes, hand saws, work gloves and your other favorite trail clearing tools.
Snacks and water will be provided. Questions: call 385-4881.
We hope you can participate. We sponsor these trail work days only 6 times per year in: January, March, May, July, September and November. All participants must sign in, as the hours are counted in the City's annual volunteer work day tally.