Get ready for the family loving beast of a feast and join in the 1st ever Port Townsend Turkey Trot! Saturday November 17th 2012, you get to prepare your
body for eating copious amounts of food and give back to your community
at the same time.
Jefferson County Parks & Recreation in partnership with Jefferson Trail Coalition are happy to present the 1st Annual Turkey Trot on the beautiful Larry Scott Trail in Port Townsend.

All proceeds get dispersed between Jefferson County Parks & Rec and to various other local organizations.
Kiddy run/walk: Ages 12 & under (adults in strollers are welcome)
5k run/walk: All ages
Please no dogs, thank you!
5k run/walk: All ages
Please no dogs, thank you!
1st place in every age bracket wins a Turkey!!
Each 1st place winner has the option of donating their winning turkey to a local organization in need!
2nd place in every age bracket wins a Pumpkin Pie!!
3rd place in every age bracket wins a Sparkling Cider!!
Age Divisions:
Male/Female (5-10), (11-19), (20-29), (30-39), (40-49), (50+)
Male/Female (5-10), (11-19), (20-29), (30-39), (40-49), (50+)
Below are the registration forms:
Otherwise, you can Click Here for a PDF version of the registration form.
$10 Kiddy run - $20 Kiddy run w/ t-shirt - $15 5k - $25 5k w/ t-shirt
~Day of Registration starts at 8:00 am~
$15 Kiddy run/walk - $25 5K run/walk
Bring 5 cans of food and get $5 off your registration. (Day of registration only!)
Want a T-shirt? They will be available for $10.
They will be limited.
Please mail all registrations to:
Jefferson County Parks & Recreation
623 Sheridan Street
Port Townsend, WA 98368