To: Our Members and Supporters
From: Peninsula Trails Coalition Board
Ref: US 101 Elwha River Bridge Replacement
The following is an excerpt from a presentation by the Washington State Department of Transportation during a meeting in Forks.
".........It was clear during the meeting the public thinks some options are better than others, but the state needs to hear that in the form of formal comments, Wynands said.
Bingham Baker said comments made within the next month or so will be of the greatest influence on Transportation’s decision, which officials hope to make by the end of winter.
“We want you to tell us in your words what you want us to do,” Wynands said. “We are your advocates for getting a product that will meet your needs.”
At our Board Meeting, Wednesday, December 7th, we agreed that the best alternative for trail users is to have a new bridge with an alternative alignment. This is Design Alternative #7- New Bridge on New Alignment.
Our main reason is safety. Currently the Olympic Discovery Trail uses Highway 112 as a connection from the Elwha River to the East end of Lake Crescent. Any additional traffic load on Highway 112 will make it more dangerous than it already is for walkers, bicyclists and equestrian users.
Please consider going to the website flagged below and leave your comments. Please also consider advising your friends and neighbors to do the same
Whatever your opinion is, we encourage you to participate! To do that, people can comment
and/or sign up for notifications about the bridge at
For the current status of the bridge, call 888-633-4005