Dear Friends & Family:

If you would consider signing, please go to:
We have now gathered over two hundred individual signatures and
approximately two dozen signatures from local businesses, organizations,
and agencies representing thousands more north Olympic Peninsula
The development of the ODT through Anderson Lake Park (mostly on
already existing Park trails) would become a segment of the ODT and the PNNST over the Eaglemount
area, bypassing the very dangerous State Highway 20, and connecting the
current end of the Larry Scott Memorial Trail originating in Port
Townsend to the segment of the ODT recently completed at the southern
end of Discovery Bay.
Finally there is, as always, the issue of funding of a project such as
this. The last state budget allocated $1,000,000 for the County to hire
a consultant to determine the optimal route, acquire the properties
needed on that route, and do some initial design work. Additional
grants will eventually be needed for construction, but that could be 2+
years off. However, State Parks personnel have explained to us that
grant matching donations are very important in persuading the Parks
Commission to give priority status to a project. We are not asking for
matching fund donations at this time. However, if you wish, you may
make a donation to the PTC here:
We very much appreciate your past support of the project to
complete the multi-user ODT from Port Townsend to the Pacific Ocean at
LaPush and hope that you can again step forward in support of this
critical link in the project by signing the petition. Thank you very
Jeff L Selby
Peninsula Trails Coalition