the 16th is just around the corner so it's time for another monthly bike ride. Deb will be leading this one around Cappy's Trails. Meet at The Broken Spoke with lights and water ready to roll at 5:30pm. It's dark in there within an hour, and we'll barely be started by then! Deb has an extra set of lights and so do I, email and let me know if you'd like to borrow either.
I unfortunately am unable to attend the mountain bike ride, so have a great time with out me.
I will be teaching a Traffic Skills 101 course, with certified curriculum through the League of American Bicyclists.
You're definitely welcome, and invited(!), to take the course instead of go to the ride!!! It's all about feeling safe and confident, while knowing and following the rules of the road. Please see the other post, this link or find me to ask questions and get yourself registered for this great opportunity.
Whether you take the Traffic Skills 101 course, or go for a mountain bike ride, let us enjoy the weekend out on our bicycles.