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Thursday, June 2, 2016

Bicycle Camping in State Parks

I found a nice adventure article (from September) on bicycle camping in WA state parks. Here is an excerpt and a link to the rest:

"Beach cruiser or BMX, recumbent or mountain bike—few transportation modes bring you closer to the road than the humble bicycle. The whir of wheels on the road or trail, the wind in your hair, the exhilaration of pumping hard up long inclines and whizzing down hills… It’s great exercise and an intimate way to enjoy the open road and country.
It’s also a great way to camp! If you love cycling and have yet to try a two-wheel vacation now is the time! With fall weather in the forecast, it’s a great time to get out on the road while the weather is still mostly cooperative and the cooler temperatures make for a more pleasant ride. Ranked number one most bike-friendly state in the nation 8 years running, Washington is the perfect place to enjoy a long ride. And with lots of open bicycle camping spots, your state parks make great destinations to ride to.
Need some pointers and tips for planning your epic riding vacation? Read on…"