Balance bikes are great for getting your child started on a bike. These no-pedal bikes are simple and fun for kids, teaching the basics of balance and control while letting them use their feet to naturally push themselves along.
We carry the Strider line of balance bikes because they are great quality for a reasonable price. Both the seatpost and the handlebar are easy to adjust as your child grows. And Striders come in several wheel sizes so older children can use them, too. Strider even makes adult-size balance bikes that we can special-order.
We know how fast kids outgrow things, so we offer a buy-back program on Striders. Buy a new Strider from us and when your child is too big for it, bring it back. We’ll give you up to half your purchase price in credit toward buying your child’s next bike. We also sell used Striders that come back to us through our buy-back program. Stop in to check out our inventory!