This post is in regards to an email we received from the Larry Scott/Olympic Discovery Trail.

1. All users must yield to equestrians. Talk to the rider (and
the horse) making them aware of your presence. Please do not use a bike bell or horn. Speak, so that the horse can recognize
you as a human. Be mindful of your light and its direction (strobe, location, etc).
2. Bikes can travel at a considerable speed - much greater
than any other form of transportation on the trail and above the posted
15 mph speed limit. SLOW DOWN when approaching ANY other user. Be especially mindful of small children.
3. Always travel to the right and pass on the left and ALWAYS announce yourself! Please slow down when approaching any other trail user. It's only courteous and it's the safe thing to do.
of your preferred activity, let's all be safe and respectful of the
members of each other user group for the enjoyment of all of us. Thank